Our Story

Pre-Snakefella: A Shared Passion for Wildlife

The journey of Snakefella began with a shared love and respect for animals. Jake and Josh, both lifelong wildlife enthusiasts, came from different paths but shared a common goal: to protect and conserve nature. Jake’s fascination with reptiles deepened after a life-changing snake bite, inspiring him to study and care for snakes. Josh’s background in defence, environmental science, and ecology led him naturally toward wildlife rescue and conservation. Their paths converged through a shared mission to make a positive impact on wildlife and ecosystems.

Past: The Birth of Snakefella Wildlife Rescue

In January 2020, Snakefella Wildlife Rescue was founded, combining Jake’s expertise in reptile relocation’s and holistic approach to wildlife rescue and rehabilitation and Josh’s . Together, they cared for a wide range of animals, from reptiles to marsupials and birds. As demand grew, it became clear that separating the operations would allow for better focus and efficiency. In January 2023, Snakefella Wildlife Rescue evolved into two entities:

Whites Creek Wildlife Care: Co-led by Josh and Jake, dedicated to broader wildlife rescue and rehabilitation efforts.

Snakefella Reptile Removals: Led by Jake, focusing on reptile relocation’s and public education.

Present: Expert Reptile Removal and Public Education

Snakefella Reptile Removals is now a trusted name for professional reptile relocations, led by Jake’s extensive expertise and passion. The service ensures the safe, humane relocation of snakes and other reptiles, prioritizing both public safety and animal welfare. Using precise and stress-free handling techniques, Jake manages each call-out with care, from private homes to public spaces.

Education remains at the heart of Snakefella’s work. Through community workshops, school programs, and local events, Jake and Josh teach people about reptile behaviour, how to safely respond to snake encounters, and the critical roles reptiles play in maintaining balanced ecosystems.

By dispelling myths and reducing fear, Snakefella fosters greater coexistence between people and wildlife.

Future: Expanding Snakefella Reptile Removals

As Snakefella Reptile Removals continues to grow, Jake is committed to refining and expanding the service to meet increasing demand. Plans include enhancing public outreach programs, developing new educational resources, and leveraging technology to streamline call-outs.

Snakefella also aims to establish partnerships with local councils and environmental organisations to improve reptile conservation efforts. Whether it’s expanding the team, increasing awareness about venomous versus non-venomous species, or providing advanced training for identifying and living around reptiles, the focus remains on making communities safer while protecting these vital creatures.